Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries Digital Books

Holy Bible

Tradition and Traditions

Archmandrite Barnabas Lambropoulos

Holy Metropolis of Nikopolis and Preveza


“So therefore my brethren, stand fast and preserve the traditions that you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by an epistle of ours” (Thessalonians II,  2:15).



1. The Church without the Holy Bible

2. The Holy Bible and traditions

3. Tradition and Renewal


Father Barnabas wrote this little book in response to the irresponsible and perversive book by G. Krisilas “Traditions: Apostolic or human?”. So we in turn are publishing this excellent study by father Barnabas, in response to the re-publicizing of the above perversive book by G. Krisilas in installments by the Pentecostal newspaper “Christianity”.  We have already proved in articles of ours the misinformation contained in his book; however, this book by father Barnabas –which although not refuting its every word-nevertheless, does show the instability of the Protestant dogma: “Only the Bible”, thus depriving the Protestant world of any sound basis for promoting this heretical dogma.


Translation by A. N.

Greek Text

Page created: 10-9-2005.

Last update: 10-9-2005.