The central question
is a serious issue, which has been created by the acceptance
or not of the existence of God. This is not just a
"philosophical" or theoretical matter, but a practical one - it
is a matter that affects and influences our actions and our
entire lives.
If God does exist,
then there is a reason for the existence of Creation. There
is a purpose to my existence and to yours. There is a point of
reference (God) for determining what is right and what is wrong;
what is moral and what is immoral; and finally, there is a hope
(for us Christians, a certainty) that there is something far
more to life than the injustice that we see in the world around
us - something that we can hope for and struggle for, knowing
that with that struggle, we are fulfilling the very purpose of
our existence.
But: if God
does not exist - if there is no purpose to and reason for the
existence of Creation and everything is just the product of
coincidences, then everything appears differently; the "right"
and the "wrong", the "good" and the "bad" are confused and there
is no point of reference by which we can define them. If
everything rests on the subjective opinion of each individual as
to how they should act and live, and if the injustice of this
life is all that we can expect of this limited life of ours,
then what is left as a purpose of living? What should one
struggle for? For the truth? What meaning can truth
and lying have, in a universe that only consists of
coincidences? So what, if a person has lived his life in
delusion, if the only thing that awaits him is the grave?
It is to be expected then, that his logic will say "Let us eat and
drink, for tomorrow we die". If God does not exist, we
might as well reap the small pleasures of this life while we can
- without moral obstacles, without any compunction, without
2. A utilitarian approach
It is naturally logical for a Christian who tries to live his faith to
struggle for those things that he regards as eternal and divine
ideals; to struggle for justice, for the truth; to convince
others about his faith, which he is confident will help them to
be saved. But an atheist? Why should he struggle for all
these things?
Let us look at
the matter from a utilitarian point of view - from the point of
view of an atheist (because if there is no God, then all that is
left is the individual's profiting). So, let us assume
that God does not exist. Let us assume that Christians are
struggling in vain, and that in the end, they too will acquire what
everyone does: "a grave", and nothing more. So, do
Christians really have something to gain?
Yes, they do.
Because naturally (although it is not the basic reason for their
faith), if God exists, they will gain the heavenly kingdom (Theosis,
Glorification). But
if God does not exist, they again will have
benefited, because they will feel solace throughout their life -
they will have someone to tell their woes to in times of
ultimate desperation, when other people are unable to console them.
They feel that they have someone to protect them during their
fears, and a life that feels like it is worth something and is
meaningful. And yes, people like
these are much happier than others, who don't believe.
So what if they don't live with all the comforts? So what if
they don't get to savor everything? At the moment of death, none
of the things that they savored will remain. But for the
faithful, the moment of death is something that they have
anticipated, with hope and with courage, and not with
fear and disappointment. And that is what true FREEDOM
is about: not the hopelessness that the pessimist author
and philosopher
Kazantzakis had labeled as "freedom"(*). To the
faithful, their entire life is pleasurable, because they live it
with faith and hope, without any fears and desperation; because
even when confronting death in the person of a loved one, they
remain steadfast to the hope that they will meet again. If the
universe is just a coincedence (as Atheists want it to be) and
truth is something relevant (as modern trends try to persuade
us) then why doesn't this make a man of faith happier ?
These words
are not a mere theory. I myself, who am writing all these
things, had carried out my own personal research some time ago.
I started to ask people of various
ages and faiths to tell me how they would characterize their
life in one or two words. The responses that I collected were
many, but the conclusion was only one: I did not record a
single believing person who declared himself to be miserable.
And not a single faith-less person that declared himself to be
blissfully happy!

Inscribed on his
tombstone: "I HOPE
3. Irrational zeal
Thus we see
that the atheist inevitably turns out to be the loser.
God exists and he misses out on all the blessings, or, God does
not exist, and he loses his tranquility and blissfulness, and
even the very meaning of life. AND THIS IS THE HUGE
Yes, we
Christians have an actual reason for struggling for what we
believe to be the truth. We have a reason for "evangelizing"
about our faith. But what is the atheists' cause for
propagandizing? If God doesn't exist, then what is the purpose
of truth and falsehood, in a life without a purpose and a
meaning - a life that terminates in a grave; in a mankind which
has no future, but only comprises a recycling of the earth's
chemical elements, from the moment of birth through to the
If we
Christians merely believe in a lie, why are all the atheists in
such a huff? Why do they infiltrate Christian forums and chat
rooms on the internet and strive to convince us that we are
wrong? What will they gain if they do convince us? And
what will we gain if we are convinced?
Their desperation?
A lack of meaning to our lives? Their conviction that the only
thing to look forward to is the grave? Then what is the meaning
of "our lie" (if we pretend for a moment that it is a lie), if God doesn't exist, and
there is no meaning behind the word "truth"? Are they
perhaps trying to help us see the truth? What truth? What
do they have as a point of reference for "truth"?
To what end, and for what
reason, if "purpose" and "reason" do not exist in the universe?
What do I mean
when I say "zeal"? Well, observe the comment that was made
by a certain woebegone individual who declared himself
an atheist, when responding to the arguments posted by a
Christian, in a Christian forum: "The reason I am
to this text is to prevent those who might read it from being
misled." And the logical questions that come to mind here
are: "What meaning can 'misleading' have, in a universe
and a life that has no meaning?" And: "I wonder why this
atheist person is so concerned if others become convinced by
Christianity? What will he gain, if he succeeds in
directing other people away from Christianity? Paradise? Or will he
perhaps lead them to something better that they can hope for?"
. This doesn't make any sense - whatever "logic" you
may be using,
atheistic or other.
4. Possible reasons for
atheistic irrationality
I am not content with posing
questions only. If I believe in a "meaning" and a "reason"
for the existence of the universe, I want to extend my thoughts,
into every possible "reason" for the actions of certain of my
fellow-men, because I cannot accept that those atheists are
acting entirely irrationally. Surely there must be some reason
that prompts them to behave that way...
I discovered three categories of reasons:
1. Utilitarian reasons, 2.
Psychological reasons,
and 3. the
desire to deceive.
So, let us analyze them a
little, as I believe that they comprise the
basic reasons most atheists behave in that irrational
Utilitarian reasons:
What is it about the faithful that annoys an
atheist, to the point of making him oppose them?
Is he annoyed by the fact that their
lifestyle, their abstaining from libertinism and extreme forms
of pleasure expose him as a libertine?
Could this be his way of fighting against
morality per se, so that he can live the way he wants, without
the censure that libertinism usually inspires in society?
Could it be that by confronting them, the
faithful will not look upon him with pity?
Could he be striving to assert his presence
as someone omniscient, so that he - and his like - can
feel that he is justified in not believing, thus "amassing
points" in his favour?
Psychological reasons
Could he be
jealous of their serenity and their certainty regarding the
meaning of life, when he can't even find a compass to do it?
Could he
subconsciously be seeking substitutes for an ideology and a
direction, and, given that he can't find any in faith (which he
doesn't possess), strive to substitute them with faithlessness?
Could he
subconsciously be trying to convince himself of the correctness
of his chosen path as an atheist, in order to not be intimidated
by the possibility of his being wrong and eventually being
surprised by finding himself in the presence of a god?
Could he
perhaps so intensely love "truth" (irrationally of course, if
he doesn't believe in the existence of God), that, by regarding
the nonexistence of God "truth" proceeds to propagate this
belief with a missionary zeal? According to the atheist
mindset, the sense of justice in all beings (and naturally in
mankind) is the product of a "blind" evolution (not
even a Theistic one) - one that
developed among the species of socially-behaving animals, so
that they can co-exist for evolutionary reasons. Of course
according to this view, Man is merely BLINDLY following the
instinct of justice, in which is included the sense of truth as
"justice against the deception of a falsity". In this
case (if God does NOT exist), this person is simply a victim of blind
instinct, or, if God DOES exist, then he himself has
perverted the God-given sense of justice for the truth.
Could he
perhaps be searching for reasons to believe but cannot bring
himself to openly admit this, and instead, is fighting against
the thing that he secretly desires but is afraid to admit?
Could he be suffering from a
psychological trauma of his childhood?
Could he have
perhaps been subjected to BRAINWASHING by someone or something,
and is acting unconsciously and irrationally, without thinking
through the presuppositions and the contradictions in his
I would like
to pause a little at this last point, because I am certain that
(especially) the persons who wander in and out of Christian
forums on the internet have been subjected to brainwashing to a
large degree. These people always resort to mostly the
same arguments, which they sometimes
copy-paste in forums that they visit. These
arguments are of an anti-Christian content; they accuse the Old
Testament, they are forever looking for contradictions within
the New Testament, they strive to prove that Christ never
existed, they have amassed every crooked thing that various
pseudo-Christians have perpetrated throughout History or any
other assorted falsified information, and they use it as an accusation
against the Christian faith. In other words, these people
are using those arguments to actually attack Christianity!
They don't resort to any philosophical reasons to support
atheism. And the fact alone that most of them use the exact
same arguments is clearly indicative of the fact that there is a
COMMON SOURCE of arguments. Someone is supplying them with
all these arguments, and they are being used as blind
instruments against the Christian faith. These people lack
even an elementary perception, which would have allowed them to see
that others are USING them .
We don't have
to search very long to discover where that source is, or who is
propagating those arguments. One glance at a paper & magazine
stand, at the kinds of magazines that are found there (or on
the shelves of certain bookshops), is enough for us to realize
who is responsible for this brainwashing.
We are
referring to certain ANTI-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS, which are waging war
against the Christian faith and which of course have a personal
benefit in propagating their false arguments against it to
gullible people.
But how do
they manage to convince people to fight against the Christian
faith, when they themselves don't believe in those religions and
They resort to
psychology. Observe the methods they use:
To begin with,
NATIONAL PRIDE. Because, whether we like it or not, pride is a
basic passion in all of us. Each one of us has a need for
self-respect and can be flattered by praises. So, when someone
is an atheist - and without any philosophical backing for his
atheism - he looks for things that can substitute faith.
And he usually finds them, in the notion of "National Pride", if
he is a native of that land (in our case, a Greek).
Feeling - as an atheist - that he is a "nothing", the others
come along and tell him "ah, but you are SOMETHING: you belong
to the glorious nation of Hellenes, who had brought civilization
to the world, who...... who....... who.....". This will
make him feel flattered. He will feel that he truly is
"something", not because he himself is, but because .....his
ancestors were !!! At this point, he has swallowed the
bait, and the neighbourhood grocer (this is not intended as a
demeaning comment - I myself am a grocer) suddenly feels like
"one of Pericles' descendants" and feels the urge to now
continue the "cultural opus of his ancestors". But how?
This person
has already substituted human nature's natural zeal for God,
with a blind, narrow-minded zeal for his tribe, which makes him
feel important and therefore elated.
Of course,
apart from those "antiquity-possessed" individuals, there are
also the....."progress-possessed" ones. The
latter are under the
warped impression that "religion is obscurantism" and that
"science has the solutions and the answers to everything". Now
this category (for self-seeking reasons of pride and
self-respect) wants to feel that they are "progressive".
And such is the bombardment that they have been subjected to by
claims of that kind that they regard as a given fact
that "religion is obsolete". These people are wont to
study the comical and superficial books of the Westerners'
so-called "acclaimed Bible critics" (whose arguments however are
turned against God and the religions of the West), as well as
assorted foolish theories of the kind that any science fiction
author can concoct. And they overlook the fact that if there is
no God, then there is no reason for them to embark on any such research...
Thus, after
someone has read a sufficient number of such books - whether as
a "Nationalist" or a "progressivist", he will inevitably feel
omniscient and become even more conceited. He will feel
like a genuine philosopher, even though the poor fool may lack all
knowledge of the bare essentials of philosophy (which are of
course cleverly kept hidden from him), along with the basic
principles of the Orthodox faith.
3. The desire to deceive
This is the
last reason that I could think of, that would explain the
irrational attacks by certain atheists against the Christian
faith. What do I imply, with this reason?
some of
those people are not actual atheists; they are actual members of
anti-Christian religions but they pose as atheists. And they
have a number of reasons for doing this:
1. To
conceal their true motives.
2. To keep
a "low profile", because if we knew what their religion was,
we would be able to easily prove it wrong. Whereas, by
posing as atheists, they can "strike", without being the
recipients of arguments. In this way, they can argue "from a
safe distance", with the Christians finding themselves
constantly in a defensive conversation, without the
possibility of a true "counter-attack".
3. To
appear as supposedly "without any self-seeking motives"
towards Christians and third parties. By declaring
themselves "neutral"
atheists who don't have any religious interest, no-one can
confront them with accusations like: "You're saying that, because
you have another religion".
4. To
conceal their ignorance. Because if they say that they
belong to this or that denomination and are confronted with
arguments that debunk their group, they will not know how to
respond. So they "hide" behind the safety of the word
5. The
false declaration of being "atheist" also hides a measure of
psychological insecurity, because if they need to believe
that they are "atheists", this helps them to avoid becoming
upset when the religion that they are affiliated to is proven by
Christian arguments as an erroneous one. By treating
that religion as something "alien", they can preserve their
inner peace.
All of the
above have been set out, not only so that Christians can
recognize the frauds (pseudo-atheists, pagan nationalists) and the misguided
atheists, but also to point out to them in a discussion the
contradictions in their position, i.e.: to be fighting
against God, when this has absolutely no meaning, in a world
that (they claim) has no God!
Translation: K.N.